- Coloring charts for the blends and diagraphs, and “totally whack” sounds. These charts are to colored according to specific instructions in order to help visually encode the sound letter combinations. They are also used in conjunction with the rap songs because they follow the patterns rapped in the tunes.
- A color coordinated chart for the “totally whack” sounds.
- Structured art activities for creating your own individualized “totally whack” chart. By using imagination and coloring according to specific instructions, children will gain insight into the hidden patterns in the “totally whack” sounds
- An eight and a half by eleven summary sheet and mini desktop summary sheet of all the letter/sound combinations. Every student in my classroom had this sheet taped to his or her desk. I was seldom asked if I could help spell a word. By using this chart my students could use the building blocks of letter/sound combinations and their visual memory to spell independently.
- A “b-e-d” coloring sheet to help children distinguish between the “b” and the “d” letters and their sounds.